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The UNS-1Lw features a standard set of I/O capabilities for interface with essential components of the flight deck. The system is comprised of:
  • a 4- or 5-inch Flat Panel Control Display Unit (FPCDU)
  • a remotely mounted Navigation Computer Unit (NCU). The NCU is contained in a 2-MCU LRU which includes an internal GPS/SBAS receiver.

Flight Planning

FMS Flight Planning

The Flight Planning (FPL) function provides you with the quickest, most efficient means of creating a flight plan, and the most pilot-friendly method of altering the flight plan elements as desired or required by ATC. It has been engineered to incorporate the greatest level of safety, with numerous built-in safeguards such as the entry of list-referenced selections which reduce both keystrokes and errors.

Off-Line Flight Planning

The Universal Flight Planning (UFP) Windows based software provides you with off-line flight planning, GPS Fault Detection, and Exclusion prediction capabilities. Learn more and download the Universal Flight Planning (UFP) Program.

Fuel Management

Using inputs from the fuel flow sensors, the SBAS-FMS provides real-time fuel management with the most extensive fuel information and calculations available – the kind that can eliminate unnecessary fuel stops, save you time and money and provide increased safety. Specific range and endurance are provided along with fuel, time and distance predictions for your destination.


The unique LIST function provides a quick and efficient means to access and enter data, minimizing alphanumeric entries and reducing input errors. The “smart” lists are geographically prioritized based on aircraft position and course, then alphabetized on each page. You can quickly enter airports, navaids, intersections and airways all by simply entering the list reference number corresponding to the data desired.

Data Management

The DATA function key provides access to a variety of navigation data management capabilities. Easy access to your stored navigation database for detailed review of SIDs, STARs, approaches, runways, airways, intersections, navaids and airports. Your pilot-defined database can be accessed and edited, allowing you to create new or modify your pre-defined departures, arrivals, approaches, runways, airports, waypoints, alignment points and stored routes. Your non-editable company route database can be accessed as well.


The SBAS-FMS will fly all procedural leg types in accordance with ARINC 424. This sophisticated capability allows you to fly the most complex procedures such as heading to altitude, precision arc, procedure turn, holding pattern and more – all the necessary maneuvers required to accurately fly SIDs, STARs and approaches.


The Direct-To (DTO) function key is specifically dedicated for flight plan changes in response to “Direct-To” clearances. The SBAS-FMS easily takes you from your present position direct to any point on or off your flight plan using circular arc steering. If the desired waypoint is on the flight plan, it may be selected by entering its list reference number. If the desired waypoint is not on the flight plan, the LIST function can be used to access other waypoints/airports within the surrounding area from the database, or the identifier can be manually entered into the field.

Vertical Navigation

Universal Avionics’ SBAS-FMSs incorporate the most advanced concepts in vertical guidance and control. VNAV pages provide for such features as computed Top-Of-Descent, Target Vertical Speed indication and selection, and Vertical Direct-To commands. Vertical waypoints can be conveniently defined with altitudes or Flight Levels, and lateral offsets.

Frequency Management

Frequency management capabilities allow you to tune your NAV and COMM radios through the SBASFMS – completely interfaced with your existing Radio Management Unit. The SBAS-FMS presents a list of suggested COMM, Nav and NDB frequencies pre-selected based on aircraft position and phase of flight. Additionally, you can customize the radios tuned through the SBAS-FMS by storing an “active” and up to four “preselect” frequencies. A “recall” feature allows you to swap the active with the last frequency tuned without affecting the preselect frequencies.


An extensive library of messages has been programmed into the SBAS-FMS. The message annunciator alerts you of system status advisories, including way- point alerts, sensor watchdog functions, and self-test. “Pop-up” messages in response to invalid entries further simplify system operation. The Message (MSG) key may also be used to access datalink communications should this optional equipment be installed.

Holding Patterns

Holding patterns are accurately flown through the SBAS-FMS automatically, complete with appropriate entry procedure: direct, parallel or teardrop. The navigation database includes holding patterns that are part of departure, arrival, approach and missed approach procedures. The aircraft will fly the normal flight plan legs and then automatically enter the holding pattern upon reaching the holding fix. You may also manually define a holding pattern by specifying the holding fix, inbound course, turn direction and either time or distance of holding leg. When armed, the holding pattern will be entered automatically upon reaching the fix. A DTO HOLD command is also provided to enable you to go direct to a holding fix at any time.


Once near your destination, you can easily link the appropriate approach for the active runway into your flight plan. Approaches and runways from the navigation database, and those which have been pilot defined, are easily accessed.




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